Petaling Jaya
Joined May 2017
曾在马来西亚数码经济机构 (MDEC)的电子商务部任职,协助推广电子商务活动,之后进入一家电商储物柜任职推广项目主管。 目前在网路联盟任职。”网路联盟“ 或可译作“网路产业公会”,是马来西亚网路商业活动服务供应业者互相学习,交流,联系的平台。... See More
Have you ever thought of having a customized wedding ring with both of your identical alphabet or number in the design?
On your BFF special day, you wish to give her a surprise with a customize design product?
You have an idea for a gift, you wish you could get a designer and a private production house to make it? Yeah! This really an awesome idea!
Every consumer may have the same wish to buy a customise/personalise designed product,
but these may just good for dreaming because the price is too high to afford.
However, in the technology era, this ridiculous thought is POSSIBLE!
So, if the price is as affordable as the ready mass-market product, will you still like to do the price comparison before making an order?
KEU Print is here to make your dream come true - an online shopping experience that offers
Today, technologies are mushrooming, they could integrate with one another, or by the technology itself to disrupt an ordinary practice in the society.
eCommerce – a new way of shopping and selling that blended into people’s lifestyle within the short years. Online sales/shopping moved from domestic to cross-border; combining online & offline (O2O) physical store or even IoT to encourage transaction, some may call this “Future Retailing” or “New Retail”.
However, the retail business practices still remain mandate that:
As such, if a business solution that integrated with new technologies that could disrupt all these practices, would you support to make this happen?
We hope your answer is “YES!”, because:
The Digital Fabrication eCommerce Platform enables -
Shopping is a lifestyle - More Fun, More Personalize; More Stylish and Customizable - are the motive of KEU Print !
About KEU Print
KEU Print dream to be a new form of eCommerce platform - adopt *Digital Fabrication & technology as its primary product production method and service in a conventional eCommerce marketplace method.
*Digital fabrication include 3D printing, laser cutting, powder print, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) and etc.
The great idea is you may engage our designer to do minor customization on your product with a small surcharge or you may upload your own design for production.
KEU Print aims to be is a comprehensive digital modelling and fabrication eCommerce platform designed for you to purchase incredible things, even place an order to produce a new spare part that you had broken. Moreover, product designers are encouraged to establish own designer brand here and manufacturers can request for product moulding at a reasonable cost. The production material includes coloured plastic and metal, which depend on printer availability.
The marketplace also aims to be a platform to connect all elements of digital modelling & fabrication to build a robust ecosystem of the industry to benefits the B2B cycle while servicing the consumers.
Nonetheless, the marketplace aims to promote Malaysian designers' brand by using digital modelling/fabrication solutions.
What is 3D printing? What can be printed?
Video source: CNNMoney, YouTube
Create the eCommerce Blue Ocean
Consumer perspective:
The idea of KEU Print is to provide a simple way for the consumer to shop for a digital fabrication product from the online platform as usual. They may browse and select a favourite product design, then match it with own favourite materials or colours before checkout for payment. Once the order been made, the product will be produced, via a suitable digital fabrication method - 3D printing, CAD, laser cutting and etc, as per order and delivery to the customer after the entire printing and polishing process.
Pic 1: This is an overseas sample platform that shows shopping in a 3D printing eMarketplace is as easy as doing your other online shopping.
Pic 2: Before check out to payment, you can choose your favourite colour/material and check on the price.
If you have a 3D printer at home or around you, you may choose to buy only digital design files and print it yourself without buying a real merchandise from the market. This will realize the concept of "real-time delivery" in eCommerce - receive a purchased product without delivery taking place.
Designer perspective:
Along with the concept, KEU Print wish to provide an arena for the product designer to start his/her creative entrepreneurship journey. Designer able to engage with the customer direct and receive market respond by leveraging on the advantages of digital fabrication and eCommerce. Nonetheless, KEU Print enables designers to “bypass” the MOQ requirement or mass production process to a produce a design into a physical product.
Pic 3: Samples of Designer Brand 3D Product found on the internet.
If you are a product designer - with passion in design, with a dream in developing own designer brand or facing limitation in producing your art piece, let’s walk together to achieve our dream together in KEU Print !
Industrial perspective:
At the same time, manufacturers are welcome to engage KEU Print service to print a product model before proceeding for mass production to reduce losses. If you need an independent product designer for your manufacturing business, we are pleased to offer you the service too.
Pic 4: 3D Printing prototype would be a new solution for the manufacturer to reduce loss/cost.
The person behind KEU Print:
I am currently serving in an association of the technology industry, to help to promote the business network and knowledge sharing among members. The association serve to enhance common interests among industries, and as a platform for continuous learning and sharing among the industry peers. Nonetheless, I was under the eCommerce unit of the Malaysian technology public sector lead (MDEC) and it was a pleasured to be one of the main players in the pioneer team of #MYCYBERSALE - the Malaysian Online Sales Festival; also joined in other projects that promote domestic e-commerce economic activities.
Due to the job nature, I have great opportunities to learn from other countries, however, it is sad to see Malaysia is usually 5 years behind the global trend. Therefore, I hope through this crowdfunding event could achieve a certain level of awareness, collect market interest and most importantly is to get funding to develop the complicated marketplace system to enable the idea to roll out.
Currently, the project is still in the preparation, study and discussion stage. I hope through the crowdfunding, I can receive sufficient amount to establish the platform, to do engagement with product designers and digital fabrication partner.
Sincerely appreciate your support and being confident in this project!
Million Thanks!
最好可以自己设计或有属于你们的象征含义? 还是,你更想请一位设计师为你服务?
每个消费者都有类似的愿望,客制化、个人化的产品设计; 但却觉得发梦就好啦,因为这太劳师动众价格也一定很贵!
科技时代的来临让电子商务变得普遍;网购、网销更已迈向跨境交易; 零售产业亦将进入新世代,结合线上线下迈向新零售。
如果,客优印品 能够颠覆以上的传统运作模式,您愿意支持我们吗?我们愿为您提供不一样的销售/网购乐趣。
因为,客优印品 的诞生能让
客优印品是一个新发想、新尝试的网购平台;是一个主要以3D 打印技术生产客制化产品服务和销售的平台,结合消费者、制造者和设计者于一空间的平台。
什么是3D 打印?如何被打印?
客优印品期望成为东南亚第一家销售3D打印产品和服务的电商平台。 在这里,我们通过结合电子商务、3D打印技术和共享经济模式的优势,创造另一种购物时尚。 同时,让希望创业的设计师通过电商模式开拓属于自己的设计品牌事业,拥有更广的创意空间。
图1: 这是海外一家3D 产品购物网,和一般的网购平台一样,您可在页面内看见产品类,还有材质类型哦!
图2: 在下单前,选择您想要的材质/颜色。各种材质和颜色都标上价格方便您作下单前的参考。
倘若您家或周遭也备有3D打印机,当然您也可以选择只购买数码设计文件,在家用3D打印机自行打印出商品,不必购买真正的商品。 这更是直接做到 “0时送货”,即买即到的理念。
客优印品 同时希望为产品设计师建立一个性化的创业空间。在这里,设计师可以通过3D打印技术和网购的经营模式,直接接触客户,让设计师跳过生产商/量产的过程就可以实现把设计变成产品,在平台里架设属于自己的品牌小铺。我们相信这个平台能让设计师可以自由发挥,挥洒设计的创意,不拘俗于生产商的条框。
图3:摘自网络 - 设计师透过 3D打印技术建立个人品牌的产品图。
如果您有梦想、您想发展个人品牌、或您的创意设计不容易被生产, 请考虑 客优印品为您的创业伙伴!
客优印品 同时欢迎制造商在确定量产前利用3D打印服务印制产品模型,以减低成本和亏损风险。如果贵厂商需要独立产品设计师,我们的平台后方的设计师或许能为您效劳,提供设计服务。
客优印品的幕后发想人 :
我目前在马来西亚网络联盟公会服务,协助促进与网络活动相关的产业发展、增进产业间的共同利益、创造业内同仁持续学习和分享的平台。此前,我曾经在马来西亚数码经济机构(MDEC)的电子商务单位服务, 也是协助促成第一届马来西亚网销节 -#MYCYBERSALE) 先锋团队里的其中一位主要队员。 其后也参与其他带动国内电子商务经济活动的项目。
然而往往只能看见我国的科技市场总比别人慢热,一般落后至少5年。 我希望借此众筹平试探市场反应之余,也能筹到第一笔建立这个复杂的电商平台的费用,建立一个属于马来西亚骄傲的产品设计电商平台,同时让协助电商业走入新时代。
目前, 这个提案在筹备、研究、整合当中。众筹成功后,我们希望可以开始筹划平台建设,招募设计师及设计图及物色3D打印合作伙伴。
感谢您的支持,希望一起创造一个属于马来西亚的新产业领域 !
Petaling Jaya
Joined May 2017
曾在马来西亚数码经济机构 (MDEC)的电子商务部任职,协助推广电子商务活动,之后进入一家电商储物柜任职推广项目主管。 目前在网路联盟任职。”网路联盟“ 或可译作“网路产业公会”,是马来西亚网路商业活动服务供应业者互相学习,交流,联系的平台。
Petaling Jaya
Joined May 2017
曾在马来西亚数码经济机构 (MDEC)的电子商务部任职,协助推广电子商务活动,之后进入一家电商储物柜任职推广项目主管。 目前在网路联盟任职。”网路联盟“ 或可译作“网路产业公会”,是马来西亚网路商业活动服务供应业者互相学习,交流,联系的平台。... See More
Have you ever thought of having a customized wedding ring with both of your identical alphabet or number in the design?
On your BFF special day, you wish to give her a surprise with a customize design product?
You have an idea for a gift, you wish you could get a designer and a private production house to make it? Yeah! This really an awesome idea!
Every consumer may have the same wish to buy a customise/personalise designed product,
but these may just good for dreaming because the price is too high to afford.
However, in the technology era, this ridiculous thought is POSSIBLE!
So, if the price is as affordable as the ready mass-market product, will you still like to do the price comparison before making an order?
KEU Print is here to make your dream come true - an online shopping experience that offers
Today, technologies are mushrooming, they could integrate with one another, or by the technology itself to disrupt an ordinary practice in the society.
eCommerce – a new way of shopping and selling that blended into people’s lifestyle within the short years. Online sales/shopping moved from domestic to cross-border; combining online & offline (O2O) physical store or even IoT to encourage transaction, some may call this “Future Retailing” or “New Retail”.
However, the retail business practices still remain mandate that:
As such, if a business solution that integrated with new technologies that could disrupt all these practices, would you support to make this happen?
We hope your answer is “YES!”, because:
The Digital Fabrication eCommerce Platform enables -
Shopping is a lifestyle - More Fun, More Personalize; More Stylish and Customizable - are the motive of KEU Print !
About KEU Print
KEU Print dream to be a new form of eCommerce platform - adopt *Digital Fabrication & technology as its primary product production method and service in a conventional eCommerce marketplace method.
*Digital fabrication include 3D printing, laser cutting, powder print, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) and etc.
The great idea is you may engage our designer to do minor customization on your product with a small surcharge or you may upload your own design for production.
KEU Print aims to be is a comprehensive digital modelling and fabrication eCommerce platform designed for you to purchase incredible things, even place an order to produce a new spare part that you had broken. Moreover, product designers are encouraged to establish own designer brand here and manufacturers can request for product moulding at a reasonable cost. The production material includes coloured plastic and metal, which depend on printer availability.
The marketplace also aims to be a platform to connect all elements of digital modelling & fabrication to build a robust ecosystem of the industry to benefits the B2B cycle while servicing the consumers.
Nonetheless, the marketplace aims to promote Malaysian designers' brand by using digital modelling/fabrication solutions.
What is 3D printing? What can be printed?
Video source: CNNMoney, YouTube
Create the eCommerce Blue Ocean
Consumer perspective:
The idea of KEU Print is to provide a simple way for the consumer to shop for a digital fabrication product from the online platform as usual. They may browse and select a favourite product design, then match it with own favourite materials or colours before checkout for payment. Once the order been made, the product will be produced, via a suitable digital fabrication method - 3D printing, CAD, laser cutting and etc, as per order and delivery to the customer after the entire printing and polishing process.
Pic 1: This is an overseas sample platform that shows shopping in a 3D printing eMarketplace is as easy as doing your other online shopping.
Pic 2: Before check out to payment, you can choose your favourite colour/material and check on the price.
If you have a 3D printer at home or around you, you may choose to buy only digital design files and print it yourself without buying a real merchandise from the market. This will realize the concept of "real-time delivery" in eCommerce - receive a purchased product without delivery taking place.
Designer perspective:
Along with the concept, KEU Print wish to provide an arena for the product designer to start his/her creative entrepreneurship journey. Designer able to engage with the customer direct and receive market respond by leveraging on the advantages of digital fabrication and eCommerce. Nonetheless, KEU Print enables designers to “bypass” the MOQ requirement or mass production process to a produce a design into a physical product.
Pic 3: Samples of Designer Brand 3D Product found on the internet.
If you are a product designer - with passion in design, with a dream in developing own designer brand or facing limitation in producing your art piece, let’s walk together to achieve our dream together in KEU Print !
Industrial perspective:
At the same time, manufacturers are welcome to engage KEU Print service to print a product model before proceeding for mass production to reduce losses. If you need an independent product designer for your manufacturing business, we are pleased to offer you the service too.
Pic 4: 3D Printing prototype would be a new solution for the manufacturer to reduce loss/cost.
The person behind KEU Print:
I am currently serving in an association of the technology industry, to help to promote the business network and knowledge sharing among members. The association serve to enhance common interests among industries, and as a platform for continuous learning and sharing among the industry peers. Nonetheless, I was under the eCommerce unit of the Malaysian technology public sector lead (MDEC) and it was a pleasured to be one of the main players in the pioneer team of #MYCYBERSALE - the Malaysian Online Sales Festival; also joined in other projects that promote domestic e-commerce economic activities.
Due to the job nature, I have great opportunities to learn from other countries, however, it is sad to see Malaysia is usually 5 years behind the global trend. Therefore, I hope through this crowdfunding event could achieve a certain level of awareness, collect market interest and most importantly is to get funding to develop the complicated marketplace system to enable the idea to roll out.
Currently, the project is still in the preparation, study and discussion stage. I hope through the crowdfunding, I can receive sufficient amount to establish the platform, to do engagement with product designers and digital fabrication partner.
Sincerely appreciate your support and being confident in this project!
Million Thanks!
最好可以自己设计或有属于你们的象征含义? 还是,你更想请一位设计师为你服务?
每个消费者都有类似的愿望,客制化、个人化的产品设计; 但却觉得发梦就好啦,因为这太劳师动众价格也一定很贵!
科技时代的来临让电子商务变得普遍;网购、网销更已迈向跨境交易; 零售产业亦将进入新世代,结合线上线下迈向新零售。
如果,客优印品 能够颠覆以上的传统运作模式,您愿意支持我们吗?我们愿为您提供不一样的销售/网购乐趣。
因为,客优印品 的诞生能让
客优印品是一个新发想、新尝试的网购平台;是一个主要以3D 打印技术生产客制化产品服务和销售的平台,结合消费者、制造者和设计者于一空间的平台。
什么是3D 打印?如何被打印?
客优印品期望成为东南亚第一家销售3D打印产品和服务的电商平台。 在这里,我们通过结合电子商务、3D打印技术和共享经济模式的优势,创造另一种购物时尚。 同时,让希望创业的设计师通过电商模式开拓属于自己的设计品牌事业,拥有更广的创意空间。
图1: 这是海外一家3D 产品购物网,和一般的网购平台一样,您可在页面内看见产品类,还有材质类型哦!
图2: 在下单前,选择您想要的材质/颜色。各种材质和颜色都标上价格方便您作下单前的参考。
倘若您家或周遭也备有3D打印机,当然您也可以选择只购买数码设计文件,在家用3D打印机自行打印出商品,不必购买真正的商品。 这更是直接做到 “0时送货”,即买即到的理念。
客优印品 同时希望为产品设计师建立一个性化的创业空间。在这里,设计师可以通过3D打印技术和网购的经营模式,直接接触客户,让设计师跳过生产商/量产的过程就可以实现把设计变成产品,在平台里架设属于自己的品牌小铺。我们相信这个平台能让设计师可以自由发挥,挥洒设计的创意,不拘俗于生产商的条框。
图3:摘自网络 - 设计师透过 3D打印技术建立个人品牌的产品图。
如果您有梦想、您想发展个人品牌、或您的创意设计不容易被生产, 请考虑 客优印品为您的创业伙伴!
客优印品 同时欢迎制造商在确定量产前利用3D打印服务印制产品模型,以减低成本和亏损风险。如果贵厂商需要独立产品设计师,我们的平台后方的设计师或许能为您效劳,提供设计服务。
客优印品的幕后发想人 :
我目前在马来西亚网络联盟公会服务,协助促进与网络活动相关的产业发展、增进产业间的共同利益、创造业内同仁持续学习和分享的平台。此前,我曾经在马来西亚数码经济机构(MDEC)的电子商务单位服务, 也是协助促成第一届马来西亚网销节 -#MYCYBERSALE) 先锋团队里的其中一位主要队员。 其后也参与其他带动国内电子商务经济活动的项目。
然而往往只能看见我国的科技市场总比别人慢热,一般落后至少5年。 我希望借此众筹平试探市场反应之余,也能筹到第一笔建立这个复杂的电商平台的费用,建立一个属于马来西亚骄傲的产品设计电商平台,同时让协助电商业走入新时代。
目前, 这个提案在筹备、研究、整合当中。众筹成功后,我们希望可以开始筹划平台建设,招募设计师及设计图及物色3D打印合作伙伴。
感谢您的支持,希望一起创造一个属于马来西亚的新产业领域 !
Petaling Jaya
Joined May 2017
曾在马来西亚数码经济机构 (MDEC)的电子商务部任职,协助推广电子商务活动,之后进入一家电商储物柜任职推广项目主管。 目前在网路联盟任职。”网路联盟“ 或可译作“网路产业公会”,是马来西亚网路商业活动服务供应业者互相学习,交流,联系的平台。